June 25, 2018 - Arches National Park

We were spending today at the Arches and I'm not talking about the Golden Arches either.
The first item on the agenda was to hike a mile and a half to Delicate Arch, mostly uphill.
Delicate Arch is the most famous arch here and so it was a popular hike.  We got to the park fairly early and there was already a line to get in.  We got one of the last parking spots at the trail head.
Hot and uphill; a bad brew!
But we persevered and made it.  And it was worth the effort!
 Lots of people just hung out and enjoyed the view of the Delicate Arch.
That's Lynnette, under the arch.
Close up!
Heading back to the car.
This the one room cabin of the Wolfe Ranch, established here in the late 1800s along the Salt Wash.   Pretty primitive.  They lasted until 1910 when they moved back to Ohio.
A coral where they kept their cattle.
We walked a short distance to the Sand Dune Arch.
There is the Sand Dune Arch.  The area is very sandy so it is like a big sand box; very popular with the kids.  We had bought bag lunches at the Red Cliffs Lodge and ate them here.

Then we set off on a hike to the Broken Arch and Tapestry Arch.  We mistakenly thought it was 1.5 miles round trip.  It turned out to be 4.5 miles!  And it was hot.  But it was a great hike although we were tired at the end, we were glad we did it.

The hike started off crossing this meadow.  The wavy grass had a glossy sheen to it that was striking.

Broken Arch!  Lynnette takes the risk.
Looking back the way we had come.
On the trails, you get to see things not visible from the road.
Beautiful country.
And there is Tapestry Arch.
We appreciated the cairns when following the trail across rock.
We were by ourselves at this point;  little to no hikers on this trail.
Lynnette liked the knarley tree.
The trail went through these rock columns.
We were pretty happy to see the meadow again;  we were hot and tired.
And there is our car in the distance!
We had had our fill of hiking for the day, but we had just enough energy left for a short walk to the big Double Arch.
Very impressive.  The people at the bottom of the picture provide some scale to see how massive these arches are.
Looking back at the parking lot.  There are some arches on the other side -- North Window, South Window -- but we had had enough.
On the drive out, we passed by Balanced Rock.
This was my second visit to Arches National Park and I think I enjoyed it more this time than the first.  It's one of my favorite National Parks.   There are some famous arches at the end of the Park which I haven't seen yet, only accessible by hiking the Devil's Garden trail.  I'd like to come back and do those someday.  There are also some four-wheel drive roads that look like fun.
A visitor was waiting for us back at the Castle Valley B&B.
The setting sun really lit up the Butte in Castle Valley.